Electrical Civil Engineering Mechanical/Plumbing/Fire Protection Construction Management Structural Water/Wastewater
Hazen and Sawyer develops practical solutions to water quantity and quality challenges around the globe. Since our founding in 1951, we’ve maintained a singular focus on all things water – working with communities to identify new sources, structure effective treatment, and deliver water back to the environment in a productive and mindful way. The integrated water resources management we provide improves the resiliency of watersheds and turns nutrient removal into nutrient recovery, waste into energy, discharge into reuse – often while reducing operating costs and providing a multitude of environmental and societal benefits.
Our full-service Georgia office opened in 2000 and offers comprehensive services addressing every aspect of water-system engineering, including drinking water, wastewater, stormwater, reuse, water resources, and asset management. Our services span from planning to design to construction, and we pride ourselves on remaining a trusted partner to our clients even after the job is done. We support clients throughout the state, assisting them in achieving their specific goals while identifying next steps for future success.
If you’re trusted to protect public health or the environment, we can help.