2019 Construction Institute Summit

3/7/2019 - 3/9/2019


ACEC Georgia is a proud sponsor of this event.

The theme of the 7th Annual Construction Institue (CI) Summit is: "Solving Construction Industry Challenges." The Summit's program will provide insights on the latest techniques, technologies and strategies used by owners, engineers and contractors to manage risk and to successfully deliver their projects.

Keynote Presentation - The I-85 Response, Major Mobility Investment Program and More: An Insider View of GDOT
Keynote Speaker - Commissioner Russell McMurry, PE, Georgia Department of Transportation

The Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) is reaching new heights of service and achievement. Chief among GDOT's thoughtful approach to transportation solutions for Georgia is the Major Mobility Investment Program (MMIP), an $11 billion program consisting of 11 initial transportation projects: four additional Express Lanes facilities, three major interchange projects, three major interstate widening projects and one Commercial Vehicle Only Lanes project. Together, these projects will relieve congestion, increase mobility and improve travel times statewide.

GDOT is also finding new ways to expedite project construction and completion. When the I-85 bridge in Atlanta collapsed due to fire in March 2017, GDOT sprang into action using a declaration of emergency and financial incentives to ensure the bridge was swiftly re-built and re-opened to nearly 250,000 daily vehicles in just six weeks. Hear all about these compelling topics from GDOT Commissioner Russell McMurry during this keynote address.

To learn more about this program or to register, click here.

3/7/2019 - 3/9/2019
March 7-9, 2019
Continuing Education
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