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ACEC of Georgia | Membership Application


Application Instructions:

Please complete our online membership application. A member of our team will contact you to follow up with your submitted application. We look forward to meeting you!

If you are interested in joining ACEC of Georgia as a Member Firm - please read more here
or contact Rachael Sadler . 

Select Your Option(s)

Affiliate Member | Affiliate Members are businesses that support the goals of ACEC Georgia and the engineering industry. Through membership, Affiliates gain the opportunity to network with industry leaders through programs, committees and forums.

  • Ability to register for ACEC Georgia programs at the member rate
  • Customized listing on ACEC Georgia's online membership directory
  • Ability to submit presentations for consideration to be a thought leader and content provider at ACEC Georgia events
  • Receive some communications from ACEC Georgia including Engineering Georgia magazine, program notifications, and monthly newsletters
  • Participate in ACEC Georgia Committees
  • Participate in any of ACEC Georgia's member only Forums
  • Ability to register employees for ACEC Georgia's leadership training programs (*some programs are space permitting)

Affiliate Annual Dues: $600

Supporting Member Supporting Members are not engineering firms, but whose company services or products complement or support the engineering industry. Supporting membership offers the opportunity to engage in Member Firm benefits like Forums, Committees and Leadership Programs.

  • Ability to register for ACEC Georgia programs at the member rate
  • Customized listing on ACEC Georgia's online membership directory
  • Ability to submit presentations for consideration to be a thought leader and content provider at ACEC Georgia events
  • Receive some communications from ACEC Georgia including Engineering Georgia magazine, program notifications, and monthly newsletters
  • Participate in ACEC Georgia Committees
  • Participate in any of ACEC Georgia's member only Forums
  • Ability to register employees for ACEC Georgia's leadership training programs (*some programs are space permitting)

Supporting Members Annual Dues: $1,750

Member Firm | Step One Member Firms are engineering firms which have been issued a Certificate of Authorization to provide professional engineering services in Georgia. They must have a permanent office in Georgia, staffed by one or more licensed professional engineers. Member Firms represent all engineering disciplines and services, and range in size from one-person firms to more than 500-person firms. Once you join, you are a member in both Georgia and at the National level. Dues are calculated based on the number of full-time employees in Georgia.

  • Political Advocacy: Fighting for the business of engineering at every level of government by advancing and securing policies that positively impact firms across Georgia.
  • Networking and partnership opportunities with industry peers and potential clients.
  • Informative and relevant events and webinars with speakers who influence and engage with the engineering industry.
  • Reduced pricing on all ACEC Georgia events, awards and initiatives.
  • Access to ACEC's Job Board, the best engineering niche career center, partnering with 41 other engineering associations to provide an active jobs marketing place for
    firms and candidates.
  • Opportunity for involvement and leadership on Forums, Committees and Councils.
  • Use of ACEC's Trusts: Business Insurance, Life/Health Insurance and Retirement.

Member Firm Annual Dues:  Formula based dues are calculated during the membership approval process. Contact Rachael Sadler for more information.

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